OUR PRODUCTS produkte bg Zeichenflaeche 1 scaled

Tailor-made variety –
quality valves from VSM

Versatility is a key characteristic of our quality valves. With our state-of-the-art machine park, we manufacture high-quality ball valves, other valves and pressure regulators for a wide range of applications. Our compatible accessories ensure the efficient interaction of all components. And if you cannot find a suitable product in our standard product range, we are also able to develop non-standard product combinations, connection options and customised solutions tailored precisely to your specific application. Please do not hesitate to contact us!

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Ball valves

Ball valves

High-quality ball valves from VSM have proven themselves in numerous industrial applications and media. Due to the very extensive combination possibilities, we are only able to show a small part of the product range here featuring some of the most frequently requested designs. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about our range of shut-off devices.

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other valves

other valves

There are many other types of VSM valves in stock for a wide range of industrial applications. We manufacture and supply diaphragm valves for controlling gases, vapours and fluids, needle valves for precise regulation, blow-off and dosing valves, as well as safe, reliable check valves.

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Pressure regulators

Pressure regulators

The highly reliable pressure regulators from VSM use valves to ensure that a predefined target outlet pressure is never exceeded in the application n, regardless of the inlet pressure. They guarantee an appropriate pressure value in the system and thus prevent damage.

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Quality is in the detail: here you will find tailor-made accessories for our products, including versatile filters and pumps in various different designs.

All the technical information on our website has been compiled and checked with the utmost care. Despite this, even we could make a mistake, which is why we reserve the right to make changes, also in the interests of technical progress, without prior notice.


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